Investor / Collector first rule of thumb, make sure you have PENNY SLEEVES before you break a pack or box.

Put card in PENNY SLEEVE and a TOP Loader for protection.

Store card in a box or somewhere safe.

Find out price of card.

Decide if you want to get card graded.

Think about possibly getting card AUTOGRAPHED by player at signing or EVENT.

Hire a company to GRADE card for you. 

Ship card to GRADING COMPANY proper and nice.

Wait for return of your GRADED SLAB


When buying cards we suggest buying PSA graded or Beckett.

February 9 at 2:50 PM · -PENNY SLEEVES (Investor/ Collector 1st step) 

Sleeves are assential to every collectors dream. These puppies are great for protecting your cards. They are must haves, or don't even waste your time breaking packs or boxes in search for the golden ticket. This is the first step to your adventure, We do suggest putting in Top Loader or One Touch after as your second step. 3rd step being preparing for Grading submission to the company you desire. Final step is getting your graded card back from company sealed and protected. And selling it or locking down for years to come.

Stick card with PENNY SLEEVE in TOP LOADER right away, after PENNY SLEEVE is on, to keep fresh and good condition. Store cards in a good place. Even use Painters tape to seal top of Top Loader. Do your homework and know the price of your cards. Collect what you like and think will grow in value one day. Buy graded cards or have Raw cards graded. Make sure they are in Mint shape for maximum return. If you don't want to wait for PSA or Beckett to deal with your card you can also do same day grading at card shows. 

Collins Sports Cards Arsenal

  • · -Sports Cards 101 
  • Invest more into player's ROOKIE cards. Those are the most valuable. The player no matter what the sports first year cards have the worth. First year cards are rare & unique. Every player has a TRUE ROOKIE card. Other ROOKIES are good too but. Focus mainly on TRUE ROOKIES.

  • Collins Sports Cards Arsenal

    -Card Pricing
  • To look up the value of your cards, you have a few options. First option is you can go to and type your players name with number on back of card. Recent sales of the same card will pop up and you will get an idea of the value. is another option that will give you an idea of what your cards worth. Also you can go to and see most recent sales. What we do is look at the sales pattern of the card and price card at roughly around the same amount. Another option is Market Movers. Now that you know what you need to do, give it a try.


After you know the price of your card and want to sell. You have a few options, #1 we say to list it on FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE. That is if you have Facebook. Take good pictures with a background. Get pictures of front and back of card. List the players name and number of card along with team name, year and card make. It's also better to list in card GROUPS. Join some SPORTS CARDS GROUPS. Option 2 you can sell it on EBAY the number 1 source for cards. But we warn you they do take a percentage of your earnings. Option 3 you can go to CARD SHOWS. DEALERS might buy from you.

Another way is to go to CARD STORES, if your card is decent they might buy it from you.


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